QianNiuGang (Daming) Epic

QianNiuGang – Daming Mountain

25km from Wildhomestay to the bottom of Daming. A nice ride there to the base with a drink and noodle stand. The climb is great and described as the Chinese Baby Mont Ventoux.

  • Daming Epic (from south). All the way from Wildhomestay, to just past the start of the climb, then down and around to Tunkou Hotsping. Then up from there all the way to the top – 32km uphill / 25km down to the noodle shop / drink stand and 25km home. 165km total. Bit more elevation than the classic.

Strava seems a bit wrong on this one – more like 3000m + however still tiring enough. Start West in Wildhomestay and cycle east stopping for lunch at the hot springs. Then head west saving Daming for the last climb and then back to Wildhomestay.

GPX File

Xingzhe: 2748855

If you want something longer combine with the botanical garden climb or south sanyang route or add it into a trip from Qiandaohu.

If you want something shorter drive to start of Daming and do epic loop from there and drive back:

[icon name=”map-signs” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] https://www.strava.com/routes/8760279

Big North – Sunset Peaks

Note: X311 being resurfaced – CX or Gravel or touring for now. 250km loop. Its a monster and you need to leave very early and maybe bring light. Various bail points.


Twin Peaks. 230 – 250km 4000m

A out and back. Get a car to longgang or bottom of x311. up and over two 900m climbs. Return. Taxi home.

[icon name=”map-signs” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  https://www.strava.com/routes/10013018

Double Rocks

[icon name=”map” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] download GPX file

[icon name=”map-signs” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] https://www.strava.com/routes/14059866

We normally go counter clockwise. Warm up, 1st x311 climb, not great surface on downhill through red rock (noodle stop), climb up lake, fast down back to car. 🙂

Another option is out and back but not including lake climb.

[icon name=”map” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] GPX Big_northern_little_loop

Umbrella wha to x311, down other end, around. Add Lake for 200km 3000m.