
Local itineraries are broken down based on interest. Feel free to mix and match based on your needs. These itineraries are for two nights and we can provide full packages of them for groups of 4 plus people.

Weekend – 1st Time Visitor to the homestay: Arrive PM, Village Hike, Dinner, Bed, Wake, coffee, yoga/stretch and breakfast. Tea Forest Hike (2h-3h). Late lunch snack on return. Bamboo weaving or other village activity. Recovery Shed. Drinks. Dinner. Cards or Campfire games. Bed. Breakfast, walk or get one of the basic bikes or a van to Santang and walk around. Learn to make noodles and eat them for lunch. Depart. This weekend / 2-night experience gives you a good introduction to the area.

Weekend – Return Visitor: ok you kind of know the drill! We would suggest some longer hikes towards Yenke (full day) to the west, get a van and village hop looking at local culture and architecture, try the southern Gechuan Peak hike (full long day). Also, try your hand at some of the new activities we offer or join one of our activity weekends held throughout the year.

Weekend – Road Cycling Nut 1st Time – Mid to a high level of fitness: Arrive PM, Dinner, Early bed, Wake early and breakfast. Daming Mountain 5h taking in the epic road climb of the area. Late lunch snack on return. Recovery Shed. Short village Hike. Drinks. Dinner. Cards or Campfire games. Bed. Early breakfast, Rubbish ride around the meandering river, lunch and depart. This is what 90% of all our first time cycling visitors do and 95% of our cycling visitors return for more 🙂

Weekend – Road Cycling Nut Return Guest – Mid to high level of fitness: as above but do the Epic Northern Route on day one and easy west route on day two. Or one of the many southern routes towards Qiandao Lake. Check out our cycling route page. Alternatively, come for our challenges 🙂

Weekend – Beginner cyclists / easier days out: less cycling on more easy routes combined with more hiking. A bit of everything physical. Arrive PM, Dinner, Early bed, Wake early and breakfast. Cycle to Gaoshan. Drop bike there and hike around it taking in the old town. Return shopping in Sanyang. Late lunch back at the homestay. Tea Forest Hike. Recovery Shed. Drinks. Dinner. Cards or Campfire games. Bed. Early breakfast, bike to Santang and walk up around there. Lunch and depart.

Running fanatic: come for one of the Yepao Wild Run Challenge weekends! Alternatively, try the big south firelane route, easier and more local Monk Nun Trail or just go out and explore.

Hiking adventurer: Rember stay out the nature reserve, it’s for nature, not you! Arrive and get an early sleep, wake for sunrise hike going up the east mound, come back for breakfast and then go directly up the Nun Monk trail with lunch en route. Alternately the big north route via Yenke to hutianshan, southern Gechuan Peak hike, Firelane hike are all very epic. Please let us know where you’re going and the expected return time so we can keep an eye out for your safety.

Motorcyclist: check out our motorbike page. Ship your bike up or get in contact to see if we can organize a rental. We would suggest 3 days / long weekend. We have all types of riding but nothing very flat. We would suggest you come as a small group and get a local van to meet you en route at the top of mountain passes with a picnic and coffee. 3 long solid days of motorcycling taking in a northern pass, southern lake and western river route.

Photography: its all about the golden hours, sun rise and sun sets. Its also very seasonal. Check out festivals and our calendar. Sun rises & sunsets ontop of either western hill above our village or the eastern hill taking in the historic lost Monk and Nun temples. In between take in some of the villages around Gaoshan & Sanyang old town. Get a van to the Poshan area for some great agrictural shots through the mountain levels. Then try some of the hard hikes to photograph nature. You should come away with some fantastic landscape, architectural, people and rurual life shots plus some great moon / star shots if not overcast. You could easily spend week photographing / videoing the area and send a few days editing on the 2nd floor office of our cafe along with a high speed internet connection.

Painter: your in the land of the four treasures so try out the local brushes, inks, paper and inkstones and paint some of the great landscapes, still lives, plants, animals etc you see in many traditional Chinese paintings. We bump into artists all around the area soaking up the landscape.

Drone: around us is fantastic place to fly and race a drone. Please follow the relvant regulations and careful not to crash.

Crafter: like making things? The locals know how to make lots of things out of local materials. Copper making, iron, bamboo weaving, wood carving etc. More than enough to fill a weekend…. Check our activities page.

Cook: Learn to make homemade noodles or dumplings for a whole Huizhou food weekend including visiting markets, farming our land and foraging in nature plus of course cooking lessons.

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