18th Feb
removed current and uploaded old booking plugin provided. similar problem. tried with plugins on / off. did a booking for the 7th march for this product. see screenshots
i’ve booked night of 7th march. shows green. but mouse over and says partially booked. night of 7th is booked it should show the other colour not green and not be selectable.

now with old version plugin it wont let me book that date. before it would also let me book that date. i’ve tried with all other plugins off.

17th Feb
Receiving multiple room bookings on one date for the same product.
Main plugins: Woocommerce | Woo Booking | Woo Accommodation
see dates are all the same. you should not be able to book the same room for the same date or during the same dates!

Front end date picker allows you to select the same dates already booked for that room.
Tried will all plug ins off and only the woocom plugins.