这里是位于保护区山脚下的小山村,这里并不是传统的度假村,而是一个简单的本土村落。所以入住期间会存在一定的风险和不变。This is an active mountain village at the foothills of a nature reserve. This is not a resort but a simple local village! There are associated risks and inconveniences staying here.
- 昆虫和蜘蛛:我们的门窗已经做了密封处理,而且在不影响生态环境的情况下我们已经采取了各类措施。实际上这些昆虫们并不会真的叮咬,所以无需太过担心。
- There are bugs and spiders. Our windows and buildings are sealed and we do all that we can to minimize without affecting the ecosystem. Actually, they don’t bite so no real issue.
- 户外山坡有各种野生动物包括蛇类。不用担心它们并不会出现在村落或你的晚餐内。There is wildlife in the hills including snakes. Don’t worry, not in the village (or part of your dinner!).
- 小路湿滑:有些台阶陡峭,有些则可能跌落至河内,孩童不适宜单独外出,需要有成人陪同。Paths get slippery, some are steep and there are big drop offs into rivers. Children who are not used to this should be accompanied.
- 十五公里内没有正规医院及急救中心 There is no hospital or emergency services for 15km.
- 猫狗,鸡和猪放养在村内,有时候它们可能跑进屋内。你也可能会看到群山中的野生猴子,梅花鹿或者野鸡,请不要随意喂食它们。Dogs, cats, chickens, pigs go wandering around the village and sometimes into the homes. You will see wild monkeys, deer and pheasants in the hill hills around. Don’t feed them.
- 我们存在垃圾处理的问题,我们尽可能的以最环保的方式处理垃圾。但还需要时间慢慢改善。废纸需要投入垃圾桶内,你需要对垃圾进行分类,不要随意丢弃垃圾,做个好榜样。We have a rubbish problem which we are trying our best to sort out in a responsible way. It will take time. Toilet paper goes in rubbish bins, you need to sort your waste, don’t throw rubbish around. Set a useful example.
- 所有房间都禁烟。我们希望闻到大自然的味道,同时也不希望烟火可能造成的火灾发生。No smoking in the houses. We like the smell of nature and we don’t want them to burn down.
- 晚上10点后请尽量维持安静,早睡早起是这里的正确打开方式。Please don’t make too much noise after 10pm. Early wake – early sleep.
- 村内手机信号不佳,中国电信信号最好,屋内都有无线网络,村内大多地方也有无线网络覆盖。Local mobile reception is spotty. China Tel cards work best. WiFi in homes and around a lot of the village.