YePao Spring Runs 2


Different routes designed for runners of different levels, making it more fun and challenging. A weekend of experiences on Saturday 15th March 2025 at Wildhomestay.

Flower Power Challenge

Perfect for newer runners. Saturday AM we will see the 8 to 8 Challenge off and do a round of warm-ups. We will practice trail running techniques and skills, including ascending, descending, and using poles. The aim will be to build your speed, safety and downhill technique. Take it easy as at 1pm you will do the Flower Power Challenge. At this time in the year flowers are in blossom in the village. They power us literally through their oil! The Flower Power route is designed in the shape of a five-petal flower. It’s about 12km with 800m of elevation. The centre of the flower is the homestay, and you will do 5 out, up and down loops back to the homestay. This will be followed by a Q&A, welcoming the 8to8 runners on their loops, BBQ and awards. Runners with the fastest win 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes for Elite male, female and master. Sunday AM will be a relaxing most breakfast hike (or social ride) through some of the flower fields.

8 to 8 Last Runner Challenge

A morning to evening trail run challenge Starting at 8 and finishing at 8! You will run a 25km big loop securing your “warm up” award and your place in the next round. At a given time frame you will set off again and do 12km loops. The last person running or person with the most laps / distance will win! The 8t8 route is designed to take in the mountain slopes and some of the amazing mixed-surface paths. The big loop is hilly and the shorter multi-loop is designed to be as flat as possible, about 800m elevation for each loop. A lot of these routes are new and we are working with the government to cut them back and groom them a little 🙂 Finishers awards for the Big Loop & 8t8. 8t8 runners with the fastest last lap win 1st, 2nd, 3rd prizes for Elite male, female and master.

Final Route maps and GPX files will be published in due course, as the actual course may have to be changed to account for the weather and conditions on the day. 


  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd Female & Male
  • Special master
  • Best running dog
  • Best trash picker
  • Best photo
  • Best dress and lots more fun prizes……..

Various awards and prizes will be provided from our very kind partners. You will need to record your run on a GPS device or phone and upload it to Strava!


Friday 3/14

Arrive at Wildhomestay, Check-in & Stay

20:00 Brifing

Saturday 3/15

Last Runner Group:

06:30 Breakfast

07:00 Check-in & get Bib number, check mandatory equipment

07:30 Warm up

08:00 Challenge Starts

20:00 Last Runner Challenge Cut Off

21:00 Awards

Flower Power Group:

07:00 Breakfast

08:30 Flower Power group check-in & get Bib number, check mandatory equipment

09:30 Flower Power Workshop

13:00 Flower Power Challenge Starts

17:00 Flower Power Challenge Cut Off

21:00 Awards

Sunday 3/16

07:00 – 9:00 Breakfast

Activities that you can do with your friends and families: rape seed hiking , cycling, tea plantation running( if you want more), Tofu making, hand craft……..

12:00 Lunch

14:00 Departure

Sign UP

Click or Scan QR to book entry, rooms
Contact our service for more info if you need. Service WeChat ID: wildhomeservice
Also don’t forget to sign up for our Wechat official account “野趣乡居wildhomestay”

See Leigh’s weixin post. If you are new to the area also check the below recap of the last challenge for more photos of what the running area looks like.

Pictures from previous Challenges 🙂