- Distance: 160km
- Elevation: 3000m
- Steepest Climb: 20+ %
- Longest Climb: 700m
- Longest Walk: 0.4km path
- Number Walking Sections: 1
- Surface Types: many. See our page on All Surface Riding
- % Good tarmac & concrete: 60%
- Aid Stations: 2
- Drink Stops: many places
- Suggested Bike: Cross, gravel, hardtail, Road bike if you’re prepared to run (a lot). MTB Shoes.
- Rider Level: Advanced.
Made up of 13 lovely sections
- Section 1: Gravel River Road. Down from the village, through Sanyang, and onto the gravely back route following the river.
- Section 2: Wild Cloud Climb. A nice 700m climb up (and down the other side) on concrete. Very scenic.
- Section 3: Stone & Mud Hike. A short 10 to 15 minutes walk through a village and down a valley.
- Section 4: Forest River Singletrack. A very nice remote off-road section following the river.
- Section 5: Gravel Transition to Tarmac. Winding transitioning surface rolling back to civilization.
- Section 6: Flagstones. A fantastic section riding over bumpy flagstones along the main river.
- Section 7: Fired by the Coach Climb. A nice short sharp climb and decent. Careful descending on the corners.
- Section 8: Rubbish ride. A section of the classic rubbish ride up and down, in and out of agriculture and small villages.
- Section 9: Red Rock Climb. A nice easy gravel and then rock climb up to Poshan, followed by a tough gravel decent.
- Section 10: Mud Pig Climb. A steady climb on concrete leading to an off-road section and winding steep concrete downhill.
- Section 11: Leg stretch. An easy tarmac section.
- Section 12: Hard Bastard Hill. A not so friendly section following the Half Bastard route with the Numb Hands decent.
- Section 13: Home. A easy ride through Sanyang with the final segment back to the cafe at Wildhomestay.
Maps & GPS
We have put all the main turning points on Ride with GPS.- We suggest you download the GPX to your device to follow. Garmin units will show cues.
- Also if you like its a good idea to get a one month basic subscription to Ride with GPS -6 USD and load the route through that. It will give you voice and visual turn directions through your phone.
Wildhomestay is proud to organize these events with our partners. Please check out our partner page and special offers.

Strava segments
Bail Out
Bail 1: at around 80km follow on the nice tarmac road missing out the 4 last climbs. It will make things a lot easier. Bail 2: at around 100km dont go up the poshan climb, follow the river and forget the last two climbs. Bail 3: forget the last climb and follow along the main road around the 130km mark.
Please be careful on the down hills. Cars will be coming in the other direction around blind corners. You will loose traction.下坡请减速并注意对面方向从盲角行驶过来的车辆,你有可能发生轮胎打滑的情况。 Go slow on the downhills!!! Time can be made up on the flats and uphills. 下坡时请务必注意安全,减速慢行! It will be a long day. Drink and eat for a endurance event & wear sunscreen. 活动耗时较长,请随身携带必要及充足的水和食物及做好防晒保护措施。 If a serious injury in a remote area we might call on the group to provide support. 如果有骑手在偏远的区域发生比较严重的意外,我们可能会要求参加活动的其它骑手提供可能的救援支持。 Please contact wechat “wildhomestay” or call 13601855447(for English) for emergencies. 任何突发或紧急情况请发送微信至“wildhomestay”微信号或者拨打电话18762024795(中文) 寻求帮助 Ambulance Services:120 ex Shexian 急救:120 转歙县 She County Hospital 歙县人民医院 地址:歙县徽城镇歙州大道 联系电话:0559-6535261 Huang Shan City Hospital 黄山市人民医院 地址:黄山市屯溪区栗园路4号 电话:0559-2517036 Hangzhou City Hospital 杭州大学附属第一医院 急诊电话:(0571)87236300 地址:杭州市庆春路79号What to bring
- Mountain Bike Shoes
- Comfortable all day cycling kit
- Water bottles and / or hydration bladder
- Food for 8-10 hours or buy on the way but still lots of nibbles suggested.
- Little first aid kit
- Sun cream
- Basic tool
- Pump
- Lots of tubes unless tubeless
- Battery charger
- Phone
- Light
To be added post event but a few preview picturesVideo Preview of Race – Youtube or Wechat Wildhomestay is proud to organize these events with our partners. Please check out our partner page and special offers.