Its been a busy few months and now getting back to writing the blog. 经过了一个忙碌的春天,终于可以在这里和朋友们一起分享一些有趣的片段和新闻。
Visits 访客
We were very pleased to host a weak long Specalized company, ambassador and rider event this spring. People from all over China came to test new bikes, learn about the Specalized brand and ride around the local hills 🙂

The Clean & Dirty Races turned out really well. Thanks to the whole team and guests who helped make it happen. A great cycling community event and plans being made for next year and some other cycle “races” for later in the year.
Full Race Recap
F45 Wild Weekend F45 野趣之旅
清晨,温暖的阳光照射进屋子,耳边传来了阵阵鸟儿的鸣叫,伴随着潺潺的流水声,冥想,拉伸,慢慢开启了这次野趣之旅。Wake up by the birds and fresh air, medidation and streching starting a Wild Day.
徒步在碧绿的山林,雨后的空气总是格外的清新,让人总是情不自禁的深呼吸 ,想与这片山林融为一体。The air is fresher and sweeter after the rain.
来到了当地的村民家,和村民一起体验返璞归真的农家生活,感受最原始的自然生态,近距离的感受这农耕之乐。 Go to the villager’s house, join them for farming, experience the real farmer’s life.
在一处一清澈见底的小溪中快活的戏水。在这山林李里,在这溪水边,席地而坐,享受一顿充满野趣的野餐,别是一番风味。Dipping in the water, enjoying the wild picnic, enjoying the wild life.
Link to full F45 blog of the visit.
Food 美食
Jenya, the wild chef, is starting to take our food to the next level. Its going to be a long term job developing new dishes, training, building new cooking experience areas etc. Our food concept remains the same; fresh, local, homemade and wild! We’ve managed to improve a range of our old items while launching new deserts and all day dinning options. Drinks have also improved with smoothies, ice tea, stronger coffee and draft beer! Over the summer we will develop a slow cooking and food smoking area and get to work on our local dishes.


Some other developments 新进展
We’re mostly focusing 2019 on systems, process and training. Not the most exciting thing for our guests. However saying that we have been able to launch a new house and are about to launch a new R&R area for children, and the occasional adult. 我们又新增了一栋民房,即将出租。还新设了一个室内儿童游戏室。