By EdC & JustinJ, The weekend of the inaugural Clean & Dirty races exceeded our expectations in every way! The weather was fantastic (if you don’t mind a little sunburn), there were no serious incidents; even the holiday traffic was not too bad!
We got off to an easy start at 7am. For the Clean riders this entailed a steady long climb up the first hill, followed by a long rolling downhill winding down the valley to Qiandao Lake. A brief respite on a flat section around Weiping lead to the second long climb and descent, which deposited riders at the bottom of the infamously grueling “Forbidden by the coach” climb out of Shitan village. A technical descent took riders to the start of the “rubbish ride”, with only two more smaller and easier to negotiate hills before galloping home. Finishers started to roll in mid-afternoon. The event was won by Scott & Nicole, with some additional special prizes awarded for some not-so-serious categories.
Dirty riders also began with a big effort, gaining 700m elevation to climb into an isolated valley with beautiful concrete road descents, a brief section of hike-and-bike, and ending in flowing riverside singletrack. After converging briefly with the Clean ride, the Dirty ride took a scenic detour along a flagstone path, before rejoining the Clean ride to attack “Forbidden by the coach”. The fun was only just beginning for the Dirty riders, however, as they faced a further 3 challenging climbs: the “Red rocks” dirt road grinder, the “Pig” climb that finishes off steep concrete switchbacks and steeper gravel with some pig-dodging, and finally the exhausting effort of the “B*****d lite” climb (yes, there’s a harder one) that took riders high above Sanyang village. The descents from these climbs offered little respite, with sections like the descent from Poshan really testing riders’ offroad handling skills. Everyone pushed to their limits; the suffering was truly sincere, as was the sense of accomplishment in finishing each section and the race. Josh B. came first, Jerry 2nd; and Sara and Olivia were awarded joint “DNF” winners 🙂
Riders were met by blue skies, sun sets, mountains, rocks, streams, ancient hill villages, rivers, forests, wetlands, birdsong, inquisitive and helpful locals, and tasty coffee, sandwiches and homemade energy bars and cakes.
All in all it was a great day out! We hope next year is even better than this year. Dirty, now described as “The Most Challenging 1 Day Cycle Race In China” tries to combine adventure, wild scenery, and varied experiences all within easy accessibility from the major cities of the area.
Various road and adventure rides were enjoyed before and after the main events; along with lots of beer, coffee, and food.
🙂 Next up – a 24hr race, combining north and south sections with culinary and cultural stops 🙂
Photos of the 2 races. Many thanks to the particpants who also took the below pictures / video especially Miles & cZhou. Video links will be uploaded soon.
Final course routes and distances are subject to change. GPX & course notes will be provided the day before the races after a final inspection. Heavy rain on the day will alter course and race formats.
Sunday Relaxed Ride
Chilled group Sunday ride with possible extensions. Stay longer and experience some of the great routes in the area.
Thanks for some great prizes
Prizes where given by some fantastic sponsors to the days top achievers. See info on the great prices and sponsors. A participants memento was also provided to all finishers.
Notices!!! We have stopped providing slippers and toothbrushes as they are single-use items and generate too much waste! Please bring your own!!! Also if you bring your own bike please bring a lock so you can lock it on the bike racks outside of the bike shed or leave it in your car or room.
eBIKES We have some really nice ebikes to rent. A great way to explore the hills and villages of the area.
Daily Schedules Room Checkin: 2pm to 9pm. Late Check In: 9pm to 12pm. Prearranged. Check Out: 12pm. Late if prearranged and we are not booked the next day. Cafe: 8am to 10pm Breakfast: 8am to 10am Dinner: 6pm to 9pm
During your stay service related questions will be answered at The Cafe and wechat "wildhomestay" from 9am to 9pm. Bike Rental: 9am to 6pm. Pick up night before if you have a early ride planned.
Digital Nomads! New for 2023 we are pleased to be offering digital nomad workspace :) with great weekday discounts. Perfect for some serious work and adventure!