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Something Sharp (and slippery)

Clean #1

It rained, then rained more and then stopped raining for the race but rain was still coming off the mountains with rain running down the rain covered roads. This made the little concrete roads super slippery which resulted in people getting a bit too touchy with their brakes and slipping over. Lesson learned for both us and the participants. We won’t run this course again during the spring or wet seasons. Participants need to heed our warnings on tire choice and pressure and work on their steep decent braking skills. Regardless a fun and challenging day was had by all and thankfully nothing was broken, other than an exploding wheel!

Ladies Results:

Men Results:

Other Results:

2024 Queen & King Awards:

The current standings for the Specialized’s bikes King & Queen award: ShawnC and JoelleT are first place and in line to win some great Sworks gear. One race down and three to go so it’s still early days and anyone’s taking!

Next up is Clean #2: Beast of East. 99% good tarmac! 28 race tires are fine but 32s are more comfy and quicker?


Many thanks to all our supporters for their great awards, time and energy. A shout out to our long term partner Specialized for their top prizes. To Toby of FeverCycling for his maintenance and group support over the entire weekend. To SpineC for their great stretches and health advice. To Shokz for their prizes and headphone trials. To iGPSport for their GPS devices. To xCadey for their electric pumps and prizes. To D2E for their cleaning produce. To Namedsports for their hydration products. To the entire wildhomestay team who help make this happen. To Miranda for her social media and to all the other individuals who have helped out. Thanks to all for supporting the more adventurous community driving side of our cycling.


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DC Dirty 2021 #3: The Big Dirty Recap

A long day on a epic cycling challenge. The last dirty of the 2021 season had kind of everything. Think the photos do a better sum up than us writing it.

Well done to everyone who started and who enjoyed the day! Well done to those that nearly finished, just finished and easily (impossible) finished to get top points!

Many thanks to our partners for providing them great prizes Specialized | Chemical Guys | the clinic | Namedsport | Suunto | Therabody | Restrap | Castelli

A big gallery from participants, a local photographer and us. Many many thanks to everyone for all the photos. Download

Bit of a wet start
First big climb
People warmed up
People setting out from the first drink stand
A relaxed downhill followed by a river segment
The new segment 4 with the hill top pagoda finish.
A very smooth and groomed flagstone cobble section along the river.
A not so flat forbidden by the coach!
A visit to the pigs!
A relaxed last segment 8 for some!
& Awards – then bed!

Another gallery from YilanRyan 黄一澜. Many thanks for that. No so easy taking pictures while slipping down a hill!

And a few quotes from the day:

“Don’t stand up or the back wheel will spin”

“Sh@t that was steep”

“We love getting dirty”

‘Is this the end of the segment?!’

“So, that was the slippery road you were talking about…”

“do you have lights”

in my professional opinion its fu****

not another fu***** hill

not another fu***** cramp

this walk is wonderful

Doctor Justin!! /:,@P/:,@P

“is there another hill? Are you kidding me..?” hahahaa…how often have we heard this sentence [Facepalm]

the last part was worthy to call it real dirty gravel ride!